B507: ssh_no_host_key_verification

B507: Test for missing host key validation

Encryption in general is typically critical to the security of many applications. Using SSH can greatly increase security by guaranteeing the identity of the party you are communicating with. This is accomplished by one or both parties presenting trusted host keys during the connection initialization phase of SSH.

When paramiko methods are used, host keys are verified by default. If host key verification is disabled, Bandit will return a HIGH severity error.

>> Issue: [B507:ssh_no_host_key_verification] Paramiko call with policy set
to automatically trust the unknown host key.
Severity: High   Confidence: Medium
Location: examples/no_host_key_verification.py:4
3   ssh_client = client.SSHClient()
4   ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(client.AutoAddPolicy)
5   ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(client.WarningPolicy)

New in version 1.5.1.